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Personal project: Decent Budget

Decent Budget was a personal project that I started working on in 2016. The primary goal was to create an app to track my own spending, reducing unnecessary transactions and save money. In 2019 I opened Decent budget to the public, but due to lack of time and other projects, Decent Budget was shut down in 2021.

Decent Budget helps you to use your income effectively, discover most essential expenses and build a habit of responsible spending.

Decent Budget promotes "use only last month's income" principle, where you select what portion of your future income you want to use for selected categories and budget is prepared automatically depending on how much you earn.

Decent Budget tracks "budgeted expenses percentage" which shows what percent of all your expenses were paid for using your budget. When percentage goes down, you can bring it back up by withdrawing funds from your budget. This simple way of making trade-offs prevents spending more money than originally intended.

It’s important to save up money for emergencies. But how much do you need? In Decent Budget, there is a special category label called “Essential” which groups all essential expenses and tells you what’s the minimum amount you need to survive every month. It also shows how long you could survive with your current balance if you were spending money only on essential things.

We need to compare to see progress. Decent Budget compares expenses in different time frames where it makes sense. For example, you can track how much did you spend for Groceries last month—not only in total, but also on the same day. This will give you a hint whenever you’re spending money too fast compared with last month.

Decent Budget has no integrations with banks. Adding every single transaction by hand is the key to forming a habit of being considerate about spending money. No app can automatically resolve financial issues without involving any work. Dedicating time and planning expenses from start to finish is a better strategy which eventually will become an effortless, daily routine.
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