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Last month I read… (April 2018)

One of the things that I really want to do more this year is to spend more time reading. I guess you could call it a new years resolution, even if it didn’t begin until recently.

But in any case, I thought I would share what I’ve read last month. The list is as short as it could be, but maybe this will become my new monthly tradition, which, hopefully, encourage me to read more.

Mastery by Robert Greene

Mastery is a book about how to find your life’s task, build your knowledge through apprenticeship stage and essentially become master in that field. It also includes tips how to read peoples behavior and discern any possible manipulative tendencies, how to expand your knowledge into related fields and how to immerse and eventually gain intuitive feel for the various parts of our domain. It’s a large book full of masters biographies, inspiring stories and actionable advice. Highly recommend.

Rolandas Barysas
Hello, my name is Rolandas Barysas. I write software for a living, splitting my time between freelancing and personal projects.